is the Middle East Leadership Training Institute in Cairo. It serves the church in the Middle East and North Africa, equipping pastors and Christians in the faith. We had an intense day of training today on Stand Firm. Due to the various factors the conference for pastors in Cairo was one day instead of two. We had around 30 pastors and church leaders as well as MELTI staff, most of whom are shown below.
Even though we had less time than normal to teach the material we had the benefit of having all of the training material, handouts and PowerPoint in Egyptian Arabic. The significantly cut down on some of the translation time. We were blessed with an excellent translator which also made the time more productive. Overall our first MELTI Pastors Conference was enthusiastically received by all who attended. It was a joy to meet and talk with some Sudanese pastors living and serving in Cairo.
Today, Wednesday October 28th, we'll be driving from Cairo to Minya in Upper Egypt. There we will be having a three day Stand Firm Conference for pastors and Christians living in that area. The conference will begin on Thursday evening.
Thank you so much for your prayers. Caleb and I have been fighting colds as well as having some difficulty in adjusting to the very delicious but very different food in Egypt. These are just trials and things we rejoice in being able to endure to do this ministry.
Please pray for our safety as we drive about 170 miles tomorrow and for the preparations for this conference. God has protected and blessed us throughout our journey. Please join us in giving thanks to Him for that!
I don't know if I will have internet in Minya. If not I'll post again over the weekend when we get back to Cairo.

The Bible laud’s Jochebed, Moses’ mother for her faith. We read about it in Exodus 1 and 2. Here is an expansion of the biblical story as I imagine it could have happened. Pounding on their door startled Amram and Jochebed awake. “Pharaoh orders every able-bodied man to report for work duty immediately,” a
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The Next Month Before We Travel to India Doesn’t Look Good! Greetings Friends, In a little over a month my wife, Margaret, and I are flying to India. We will visit the Love Children’s Home Orphanage and then lead Stand Firm pastors conferences. This is the fourth year in a row we have hosted and
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Happy New Year 2016! Thanks for helping to make 2015 our best year of ministry yet! We are excited about how God has expanded our ministry territory and for all the new friends we’ve made. By God’s grace we expect 2016 to be even better! May our Father richly bless you and your
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