About ten years ago I made a decision that changed my life. I was a typical middle-aged man, overweight, borderline high blood pressure and lacking in energy. I decided to get healthy. The first question was “Where do I start?” I decided to start with exercise, thinking it would take care of my weight problem. I made the wrong choice. It wasn't until I addressed my poor eating habits and made permanent lifestyle changes that I got on the path to good health.
We face a similar challenge spiritually as we do physically. At any moment in time we’re either spiritually healthy or unhealthy. Do you know how you’re doing spiritually? The Bible uses different terms to describe a healthy spiritual life. The one I like is a blessed life. “Blessed” means happy and includes being fulfilled and successful.
[Tweet " A blessed life is a healthy spiritual life. It’s what God intends for you"]
Let’s take a short quiz to see if you are living a blessed life. Here are seven statements that are true of one living a blessed life. How many of these are true of you?
No one experiences these 100% all the time. We live in a sinful world with spiritual enemies who try to thwart the blessings God intends for us. However, if you’re living a blessed life these statements will be true more often than not.
[Tweet "If you're living a blessed life pause right now and thank the Lord for His blessings! "]
If you’re spiritually unhealthy, how do you get on track? Psalm 1 is all about living a blessed life. In the first two verses are two steps one has to take to get started down this path.
When I started getting healthy physically I stopped eating food with processed sugar. It was hard. My body was used to it and I craved it. Now, if I eat processed sugar I get a headache. Sugar isn't sin but it’s like it.
[Tweet "We crave sin thinking it feels good but it hurts us in ways we don’t realize"]
Like getting healthy physically, the blessed life doesn't happen instantly. But when it does, you’ll be blessed!
I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment or question below.

Someone attacked our website with malware. What it Satan’s fault? Or did God hack our website? Crazy question? Read to find out.
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This is the second in a series of short stories in which I take the biblical account of Christmas and weave in details as I imagine they happened. In this story I imagine what Mary may have written if she kept a diary. The Bible is inspired by God, my writing is not. I hope
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Are You Heading in the Right Direction? If you wonder, “Am I heading in the right direction?” you’re not alone. It’s a different way to ask, “Is this God’s will for me?” We ask this about many life decisions. Should IContinue in a relationship?Get married?Change careers?Move?Buy a house or rent?Find a new or better job?Have
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