Day 20 Mission to Minister to the Persecuted Church
Prepare to Depart Cairo, Egypt
Time: November 2, 2015
Traveling Home
Today is our last day in Cairo. We hope to finish up some sight seeing and then head to the airport at around midnight to begin a long journey home. Please pray for us over the next two and half days as we travel home. It’s fun to go new places and wonderful to minister to those eager for the teaching of the Bible. Traveling is part of the ministry. We are grateful for technology that allows us to get from one side of the world to the other with relative ease. We were fascinated to see that some people in Egypt still travel in simple ways.
Would you pray for our safety and for grace and peace especially for our wives, Margaret and Emily. If you have been following the news you no doubt saw that a Russian Airplane crashed over Sinai. Isis claimed responsibility although Russia and Egypt say that it was an accident. Who do you believe? As it turns out we will be flying over the Sinai Peninsula twice in the next two days.
Thank you for your prayers for this traveling portion of our journey.