Are you happy? There are some who scoff at the question, and my guess is they’re probably not. This is an important question because seeking happiness drives so much of what goes on in the world. There is an endless list of things that make us happy, a pay raise, a delicious dessert, winning a great prize, spending time with those we love and on and on. But that happiness is short lived.
The Bible teaches us how to be happy. Our happiness isn't the highest purpose of God’s plan, but it is part of it. Unfortunately people look for happiness in the wrong places. A song from the 80’s “
” aptly captures the futility many go through in looking for happiness in love. Are you looking for happiness in the wrong places? Here are five questions to help you figure that out.
[Tweet "Our happiness isn't the highest purpose of God's plan, but it is part of it!"]
[Tweet "Seek God's best. It alone will bring you true happiness."]
Are you happy? Like any good dad, God the Father wants you to live a happy, blessed life. Don’t miss God’s best for you.
What have you learned about seeking happiness with God rather than in other ways? Please share a comment or question below.

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This is the second in a series of short stories in which I take the biblical account of Christmas and weave in details as I imagine they happened. In this story I imagine what Mary may have written if she kept a diary. The Bible is inspired by God, my writing is not. I hope
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