Rather than try to tell you how the Stand Firm Seminar was received by the pastors in India, I decided to let them tell you themselves. I asked some of those who speak and write English if they would write a note for you to know what it meant to them. Below are a few of the notes I received.
I thank God for the opportunity to teach this material to these men and women! It's a little hard to read their writing but trust me, it's easier than reading
Please continue to pray for effectiveness as we teach two Stand Firm Seminars in Egypt this week!
Thank you!

The Bible laud’s Jochebed, Moses’ mother for her faith. We read about it in Exodus 1 and 2. Here is an expansion of the biblical story as I imagine it could have happened. Pounding on their door startled Amram and Jochebed awake. “Pharaoh orders every able-bodied man to report for work duty immediately,” a
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The Next Month Before We Travel to India Doesn’t Look Good! Greetings Friends, In a little over a month my wife, Margaret, and I are flying to India. We will visit the Love Children’s Home Orphanage and then lead Stand Firm pastors conferences. This is the fourth year in a row we have hosted and
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Happy New Year 2016! Thanks for helping to make 2015 our best year of ministry yet! We are excited about how God has expanded our ministry territory and for all the new friends we’ve made. By God’s grace we expect 2016 to be even better! May our Father richly bless you and your
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