To Not Be Conformed We Must Be Transformed
I consider myself a good driver. I grew up driving the California freeways. I lived and drove in New York City and never had a problem. I enjoyed driving the autobahns of Germany when we lived there. Chicago’s tollways and rush hour traffic don’t phase me. But I don’t want to drive in India. It is controlled chaos.
First they drive on the wrong side of the road, like the British. My apologies for my chauvinism. Second, the roads are filled with people, bikes, motorcycles, auto-rickshaws, cars, trucks and animals. Yes, it’s true, you encounter cows everywhere!
Third, everyone weaves in and out using both sides of the street all the time. Everyone drives with one hand on the horn and one foot on the brake. It’s really nerve-racking compared to the very civil, stay in your lane system in the USA. But interestingly enough, it works. In my two weeks there we drove over 1000 km (620 miles) and I never saw an accident. Okay it’s true I had my eyes closed a lot of the time, but when they were open I never saw an accident.
Even though it is very different from driving in the USA or Europe it works, because everyone conforms. You have to or you won’t survive. If I did drive there, I would have to transform the way I drive and be conformed or I wouldn’t survive.
We All Face the Pressure to be Conformed
There are many aspects of life that pressure us to be conformed. Growing up there is peer pressure. In many careers people face the pressure to conform to long work hours. Friends often pressure us to go places and do things we wouldn’t do otherwise.
And there are spiritual pressures as well. Our spiritual enemies want to lead us away from godly living. One of their tactics is to pressure us to be conformed to them. It’s hard to resist. The corrupt values of the world are all around us, on TV, the Internet, Facebook and movies. We live in a world that oozes forth with dishonesty, immorality and ungodliness.
Our Challenge: Not to be conformed by the world and our flesh
We have two specific warning related to this.
- Romans 12:2 commands us not to be conformed to the world.
- 1 Peter 1:14 commands us not to be conformed to the passions that used to rule our hearts.
The Solution: Be Transformed
What do we do? How can we overcome such great pressure? Back in Romans 12:2, in the second part of the verse we are told how to overcome. We have to be transformed by the renewal of your mind. We do this by
- taking in God’s word Psalm 119:11
- spending time with fellow Christians Hebrews 10:25
- regularly talking with God 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=”@wardcushman”]Renewing our minds enables us to think as children of God.[/inlinetweet]
When we make these habits in our lives we are able see the empty promises of happiness from our enemies for what they are. We will make godly choices and show by our lives what is good and acceptable and perfect to God.
Are you being conformed or transformed today? Please leave a comment or question below.