I am the fourth of six children born to Howard and Ruth Cushman. My father was about six feet tall, as am I. His ancestry was English and my mom’s Swedish. That’s the position in which I was born in this life. If you see me and any of my siblings side by side you can tell we came from the same parents. We all got similar characteristics from the same source.
The principle of position applies to the physical and spiritual realm. Our position is all about the source of our characteristics.
When I was nine years old something happened to me that changed my spiritual position in life. Even though I was young I knew I did wrong. The Bible calls that sin. I heard someone say that the penalty for doing wrong is death Romans 6:23 both physical and spiritual. Since everyone does wrong Romans 3:23, everyone is condemned to death. The good news I heard is Jesus died to pay for my sin 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. I was given the choice to accept or reject what Jesus did for me. I accepted it and became a child of God.
I immediately understood I was forgiven of my sins. What I didn't understand until many years later was that I changed my spiritual position.
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Above I described my family’s physical characteristics. Ephesians 2:1-3 describes five spiritual characteristics of all fallen humanity.
That’s a lousy place to be. Fortunately God doesn’t want us to stay in that position 2 Peter 3:9. When we trust in Jesus everything changes. Ephesians 2:4-10 describes the five characteristics of the position of all who believe in Jesus as their Savior.
[Tweet "Living each moment as one who is alive to God will give you joy and power in your life."]
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