today. There were about 160 pastors present today. They were very receptive to the teaching of the Word. We expect more tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers. God has graciously given me the physical strength to teach all day in 90 degree heat with no air conditioning. Caleb has been a great blessing and help. Pray for him as he has developed a cold. Raja and Sheeba are the glue that holds this all together working with the local pastors who have coordinated and organized it.
Here are a few photos of the day.
Please continue to pray for good communication between me and Pastor John my interpreter. I try to have a lot of crowd interaction and he often thinks my questions are rhetorical. Even with that it is clear the pastors are understanding the truths even though I am challenging them to think in new, biblically based, categories.
Thanks so much for your prayers. Tomorrow after the seminar we drive back to Chennai to spend the night before Caleb and I fly to Egypt for two more Stand Firm Conferences there.

The Bible laud’s Jochebed, Moses’ mother for her faith. We read about it in Exodus 1 and 2. Here is an expansion of the biblical story as I imagine it could have happened. Pounding on their door startled Amram and Jochebed awake. “Pharaoh orders every able-bodied man to report for work duty immediately,” a
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The Next Month Before We Travel to India Doesn’t Look Good! Greetings Friends, In a little over a month my wife, Margaret, and I are flying to India. We will visit the Love Children’s Home Orphanage and then lead Stand Firm pastors conferences. This is the fourth year in a row we have hosted and
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Happy New Year 2016! Thanks for helping to make 2015 our best year of ministry yet! We are excited about how God has expanded our ministry territory and for all the new friends we’ve made. By God’s grace we expect 2016 to be even better! May our Father richly bless you and your
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