Moses Is A Model For Everyone To Follow
Moses is someone I’d like to have a long conversation with over a pot or two of coffee. He lived such a fascinating life. He overcame great odds on several occasions. He walked with God like no one else has ever done.

We’re fortunate that the Bible tells us as much as it does about him. He’s the main character in the books of Exodus through Deuteronomy. We see his life from beginning to end, including his good and bad sides. Here are 10 admirable things about him.
10 Reasons Why I Admire Moses
- He knew God Deuteronomy 4:39-40. He grew up in one of the most idolatrous places of all time. Yet he knew there is only one God and knew the blessings of walking with Him.
- He was a man of faith Hebrews 11:24. Moses’ faith showed itself in his actions. He gave up wealth and power to walk with God.
- He grew in his faith Numbers 11:21-23, Deuteronomy 18:15. His faith wasn’t perfect and wavered at times. Even when he did, he clung to God. The result was God always came through for him.
- He knew his success was because of God. He couldn’t succeed without God’s presence Exodus 33:12-16.
- He listened to advice Exodus 18:13-26. He was competent but adapted when given the wise counsel of his father-in-law.
- He cared deeply for people, even those who betrayed him Exodus 32:11-14, Numbers 12:13, 16:2-22. He was detail-oriented enough to write meticulous instructions for the tabernacle. Yet he often interceded with God for people!
- He talked with God face to face Exodus 33:11. Moses regularly talked with God like you and I do with our friends and family. There’s no one else in the Bible about which this is said.
- He wanted to know God better Exodus 33:18! Even though he enjoyed a closer relationship with God than anyone around him, he wanted to know God better. He asked God to show him His glory and God did!
- He was great but wasn’t perfect. He killed a man Exodus 2:11-12 and had a temper Numbers 20:1-12. He shows us that God can use any of us who are willing to be used.
- He was the meekest man in all the earth Numbers 12:3; 1 Peter 5:6. He could have easily become puffed up because of all God did through him. But he didn’t. He was always a humble man and God rewarded him for it.
There’s one more thing I want to point out. From one incident in the life of Jesus, it looks like Moses is still on the job Matthew 17:1-3!
I’d like to be like Moses. What do you think? Please leave a comment or question below.
Great blog Ward. Of course when I read this and think of Moses, I see Charlton Heston standing there. Hard to get that image out of my mind, but you are correct. He is a person I would love to have coffee with and talk about how frightened he must have been to do what God wanted him to do. Not quite like Jonah. We always just talked about Matthew 17:1-3 the other day in church. What a sight that must have been for Peter, James and John.