We finished the Stand Firm Conference in Minya, Egypt yesterday and my heart is full. It was such a joy to spend time with brothers and sisters in Christ who are hungry to know and understand God's Word. I don't remember any conference where those attending were more diligent than these in taking notes and asking questions.
The Stand Firm Seminar is all biblically based. It challenges many long held beliefs people have about spiritual warfare. It was a challenge at time to work through some of the concepts and we had many lively discussions. In the end it was clear that God worked in hearts to teach how to recognize and resist satanic attacks on our minds.
Many Egyptians speak a little English, some quite a bit. This enabled Caleb and me to get to know quite a few of these dear brothers and sisters. They blessed and encouraged us as they talked about living in a country that is openly hostile to Christianity. Everyone in the room had experienced some kind of persecution in their lives. Unlike Christians in America, they assume that persecution is part of their lives.
In spite of this and much more they were full of joy and hope in the Lord. They worshiped with energy and enthusiasm. They were almost all involved in some kind of ministry.
Let's remember how blessed we are to live in America where this kind of persecution is rare. It does happen but not as openly as in Egypt.
Today and tomorrow we are going to see some of the ancient historical sights of Egypt. May you be blessed today as you enjoy the love and grace of God!

The Bible laud’s Jochebed, Moses’ mother for her faith. We read about it in Exodus 1 and 2. Here is an expansion of the biblical story as I imagine it could have happened. Pounding on their door startled Amram and Jochebed awake. “Pharaoh orders every able-bodied man to report for work duty immediately,” a
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The Next Month Before We Travel to India Doesn’t Look Good! Greetings Friends, In a little over a month my wife, Margaret, and I are flying to India. We will visit the Love Children’s Home Orphanage and then lead Stand Firm pastors conferences. This is the fourth year in a row we have hosted and
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Happy New Year 2016! Thanks for helping to make 2015 our best year of ministry yet! We are excited about how God has expanded our ministry territory and for all the new friends we’ve made. By God’s grace we expect 2016 to be even better! May our Father richly bless you and your
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