Are you a DIY “Do It Yourself” person or do you prefer to hire someone to do things for you? I have occasionally watched DIY shows on TV, often to great amusement. The people on the TV shows often have basic skills but aren’t experienced in everything they need to know to do home remodeling. Their mistakes make for good entertainment but not good remodeling.
I’d like to see a DIY TV show on Bible interpretation. Unfortunately it would be pretty boring watching people sit around reading the Bible and taking notes. The fun part would be to hear what conclusions they would come up with on their own!
Actually, we don’t have to have a TV show to see what people come up with, do we? In normal conversations with people about the Bible you can hear the strangest things people think the Bible says! But this doesn’t need to be the case. With just a little bit of effort everyone can learn enough to be able to do proper Bible interpretation on their own.
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If you’ve been a Christian for a while then you have learned some things the Bible teaches. That means you know something about Bible interpretation. But how did you learn that? There are three ways people learn what the Bible says and means.
If you haven’t worried about Bible interpretation because you’re in a good church and read books that are doctrinally sound you’re blessed. Unfortunately many Christians have been swayed by incorrect Bible teaching and don’t know it. Ephesians 4:14
It’s important for all Christians to have a basic understanding of how to study the Bible. Do you know the basics of how to do Bible interpretation? Keep reading and we’ll cover it in the next few posts.
I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment or question below.

Biblical Advice About Tithing Today I got an email asking about tithing. It’s such an important question that I’m going to devote this post to it. Here’s the question: I would like to understand the commandment in Malachi 3:10 about tithes and offerings. Is God only going to bless me when I tithe and curse
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Digging Deeper Into the Law Of Moses In my last post I pointed out that the term “Old Testament Law” is generally used in four ways. For the sake of this post we’re going to use it by its most common meaning. Let’s agree (for this post) that the term “Old Testament Law” refers to
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The Old Testament Law Is Not For Today, Or Is It? The Old Testament Law is a confusing topic for many people. I first learned about it as a boy going to Sunday School. The main emphasis was on the Ten Commandments but it wasn’t limited to that. It’s funny how things stick out in
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