The word doctrine means teaching. When we talk about doctrine in the Bible we simply mean what the Bible teaches about a particular subject. For example the Bible teaches us many things about God. We call that the doctrine of God. The words “teaching” and “doctrine” are synonyms. It’s only by knowing Bible doctrine that we know what God wants us to do.
Some people think that Bible doctrine is only for professors or pastors or church leaders. I think it is a sign of our times that Bible doctrine isn’t very important to the average Christian. I’ve known people who have gone from attending one church to attending another church with very different doctrine. It’s true that some areas of Bible doctrine are minor and not as important as others but the doctrinal differences between the churches I noted above are big differences.
[Tweet "Some doctrinal difference don't matter. Some do. Do you know which do matter?"]
Is Bible doctrine really that important? Does it really matter to the average Christian what a church believes? Yes. The best way to demonstrate this is to tell you what the Bible says about this and then let you make up your mind for yourself.
[Tweet "Let's be as committed to sound Bible doctrine as Jesus was."]
What do we do about it? We have to get serious and become students of the word. Here is what Paul told his younger friend Timothy about this.
We need to do our best to understand Bible doctrine. Are you doing your best to understand what the Bible teaches? If you need help the best place to start is your local church. Join a Bible study, get in a small group or Bible class. Get advice from your pastor or other church leader you respect if you are unsure how to start.
Make a commitment to understand Bible doctrine. When you do, then you can teach others!
Do you have another reason why you think Bible doctrine is important? If so please let me know in the comments below.

Biblical Advice About Tithing Today I got an email asking about tithing. It’s such an important question that I’m going to devote this post to it. Here’s the question: I would like to understand the commandment in Malachi 3:10 about tithes and offerings. Is God only going to bless me when I tithe and curse
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Digging Deeper Into the Law Of Moses In my last post I pointed out that the term “Old Testament Law” is generally used in four ways. For the sake of this post we’re going to use it by its most common meaning. Let’s agree (for this post) that the term “Old Testament Law” refers to
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The Old Testament Law Is Not For Today, Or Is It? The Old Testament Law is a confusing topic for many people. I first learned about it as a boy going to Sunday School. The main emphasis was on the Ten Commandments but it wasn’t limited to that. It’s funny how things stick out in
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