Americans have lots of Bibles! Every church I've attended or pastored has stacks of Bibles! We use them in church and that’s a good thing. I don’t know what the statistic is on how often people in general read the Bible outside of church, but I don’t think it’s very high.
If you didn't have a Bible would you miss it? What role does it play in your life?
There are thousands of people around the world who are working on
that don’t yet have the Bible. There are millions of people who don’t have any part of the Bible in their language. In the USA and other first world countries we’re spoiled. We can’t imagine what it would be like if we didn't have the Bible, but let’s try. Let’s look at seven reasons why we need the Bible.
[Tweet "The Bible is not a self-help book, but a God-help book."]
In my personal experience, if I don’t read the Bible regularly, my spiritual life dries up. It is like a spring of refreshing to my spirit.
[Tweet "If you're struggling emotionally, reading the Bible will help you more than anything else!"]
What about you? Have you found you need the Bible? Please leave a comment or question below.

The Impact Of The Cross In my last post I said the cross changed everything. Does that seem like a lofty statement? Does it seem like hyperbole? Saying that something is important does not make it so. In the USA we’re in the midst of an election year. Things are happening in this election cycle
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The Cross As A Desirable Symbol In our world today the cross is an esteemed symbol. One of the favorite hymns of my parents’ generation was “The Old Rugged Cross.” Many people wear crosses, hang them on walls in their homes, display them in stained glass windows and make the sign of the cross when
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The Law Teaches Us Even Though It Wasn’t Written To Us The Old Testament law teaches many things. Everyone who reads it today can’t help but notice a striking contrast. Some commands make sense and some don’t, at least not in today’s world. Everyone, even liars, agree the command “Don’t lie” is a good practice.
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