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  • Is God On Your List To Give a Gift To This Christmas?

Getting and Giving Gifts

Have you ever been in the awkward situation of not having a gift for someone? If so it was probably either because you procrastinated shopping or someone gave you a gift you weren’t expecting. Most of us have experienced the embarrassment of not having a gift to reciprocate. It takes away any joy you would otherwise have from receiving a gift.

Christmas Gift For God

That raises the question, “Why do you give gifts?” Here are three reasons people give gifts.

  • Love. You want to give joy to the one receiving the gift.
  • Gratitude. You want to express appreciation for an act of kindness or service.
  • Obligation. You give because it is the socially proper thing to do.

We usually don’t have difficulty remembering to get gifts for those we love or those we want to say thanks to, it’s the obligation gifts we forget.

So with that in mind, let me ask the question. Is God on your gift list this year? Hmm. If you just looked up at the list above it may have given you pause. Of course you love God. Of course you’re grateful to Him. Then why is it we don’t think about giving Him anything for Christmas?

[Tweet “There is precedent for giving God gifts. Remember the wise men?”]

Let me give you some help with gift ideas for God this Christmas.

6 Ideas For Your Gift List For God

  1. Give Him your praise and worship. Hopefully you regularly worship so it has to be an additional, unique, special time set apart for this and just this. Hebrews 13:15
  2. Give Him a thank offering. This is a special gift, over and above your regular giving. It could be to the church or to any charity that is doing God’s work. Matthew 10:8
  3. Give Him your time. Donate a specific amount time to serve. Again, it could be at or through your church or in any of the many service organizations that help people.
  4. Give to someone in need in His name. Look for a need in your community that you can help meet. Make an anonymous contribution of food or clothes or presents with a card saying it is from the Lord. Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree is a great ministry that does this each year. Matthew 10:42
  5. Give help to widows and orphans. God has a special heart for these and when you help them, you are honoring Him. James 1:27
  6. Give God your loyalty. Talk about Him. Tell others about what He’s done for you and how He has blessed you this year. Give Him the credit He deserves. 2 Corinthians 4:5-6

God has given us so much and He keeps giving. Bring a gift to the party because you love the Host, not because you have to! Whatever you do, do it intentionally and do it in His name!

[Tweet “Let’s shower God with gifts this Christmas out of gratitude, not obligation.”]

What other ideas do you have for giving God gifts this Christmas? Please share a comment or question below.

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Ward Cushman

My journey of faith started when I was nine years old when I realized that Jesus died and rose again to pay for my sins. At the age of thirteen I felt the call of God on my life for ministry.

I have been fortunate to work in the marketplace for over ten years and in full-time Christian ministry for over thirty years.

My passion is to teach God's Word in such a way that it is easy to understand and so that God uses it to bring about life change in those who hear it.

It is my greatest joy to see God work through me to produce fruit for His glory!
