We have a fascination with the future. I loved
growing up. Do you remember them? The future hasn’t yet caught up with them! We to try to imagine what it’s going to be like. Some very popular TV shows (Star Trek) and movies (Star Wars) are about the future. Some people are so interested they go to palm readers or fortune tellers in the hope of learning something about their future.
It’s fun to watch futuristic TV and movies but they are all just products of someone’s imagination. In the Bible we have been blessed with information about the future that is certain. What's fascinating is that our future is connected with Jesus’ resurrection. In 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 Paul tells us 3 things that are true about the future because Jesus was raised from the dead.
[Tweet "There will come a day in the future when all who oppose God will pay for their actions"]
Jesus’ resurrection makes it certain that one day all who oppose God will be paid back.
We live in an unjust world. We live faithful lives and watch as it appears the ungodly get away with all kinds of evil. The resurrection of Jesus confirms for us that there will come a day when all will stand before Him and have to answer. Your faithfulness will be rewarded and their disobedience will be punished. That is the future.
Stand firm, my friends!
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This is a series of short stories in which I take the biblical story of Christmas and weave in details as I imagine they happened. The Bible is inspired by God, my writing is not. I hope my additions make this story come to life personally for you. The Christmas Story Part 1 “I’m praying
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Mary’s Christmas Story I need to sleep, but I can’t. It’s quiet now. Joseph is out getting more fuel for the fire. Jesus is sleeping peacefully beside me. I’m exhausted but I don’t want to sleep. So many wonderful things have happened today, I want to soak it all in. I don’t want this moment
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The Impact Of The Cross In my last post I said the cross changed everything. Does that seem like a lofty statement? Does it seem like hyperbole? Saying that something is important does not make it so. In the USA we’re in the midst of an election year. Things are happening in this election cycle
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