I grew up near San Francisco in the 1960’s during which the shift from respecting to disregarding authority showed itself on the nightly news for all the world to see. Many in my generation threw off the shackles of following anyone elses' orders, especially moral authority. Long held authoritarian views of morality regarding sexuality and drugs as well as obeying civil authorities were tossed out the window.
We've continued down that path as a society to the point where one often hears “it doesn't matter what you do as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.” There is no authority except for what you decide for yourself. What is amazing is that some in the church often share this view.
This immediately causes tension and leads to a clash of cultures when a Christian says, “The Bible is my authority.” It’s worth thinking about what we mean by this. There are two things people often mean when they say the Bible is an authority in their lives.
This leaves us in an interesting quandary. There are elements of truth in these two points but they are not the main focus of the Bible. How then is the Bible an authority in your life?
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I don’t mean that we are to try to be the first century church, as some suggest. Nor are we to live like Israel in the Old Testament. The Bible is an authority in your life when your life is consistent with the Bible. We can’t do this without reading and immersing ourselves in the word. Spend time today in the word!
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