We live in an era of almost instant communication. With social media, radio and cable TV we live in a 24 hour news cycle. All it takes is a quick scan of your Twitter or Facebook feed once an hour or so to know if anything momentous has happened in the world. This means that if you’re on top of things you’ll hear news before others. Someone may excitedly say to you, “Did you hear . . .?” and you simply nod your head and say “Yes.” What they’re excited about is no big deal to you because you already experienced the excitement from that news. It’s not that you want to dampen their enthusiasm. It’s just that it’s old news for you.
Let’s think about this in regard to the good news of the Bible. The word Gospel in our Bibles is the translation of the Greek word meaning “good news.” Is it possible that the Gospel can become old news instead of good news?
[Tweet "The Good News is not yesterday's news. It gives new life every day!"]
Before I answer that let me remind you what the Gospel is. According to 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 there are four parts to the Gospel.
[Tweet "The Gospel is good news because all who believe it are forgiven and given eternal life John 10:28"]
Now back to the question. Is it possible for this good news, that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried and rose again to deliver anyone who believes from eternal death, to become old news? Here are some questions to help you answer this for yourself.
Unfortunately many of us have lost our excitement about the Gospel. I’d like to tell you not to feel bad about it but I can’t. We should feel bad if we’ve lost our excitement about the good news of the Gospel!
Most of us don’t have the gift of evangelism like some people who regularly and seemingly fearlessly share the Gospel. Yet, we must do our part.
[Tweet "Don't let the Good news of the Gospel become old news in your life."]
I’d love to hear how you stay excited about the Gospel. Please leave a comment or question below.

The Impact Of The Cross In my last post I said the cross changed everything. Does that seem like a lofty statement? Does it seem like hyperbole? Saying that something is important does not make it so. In the USA we’re in the midst of an election year. Things are happening in this election cycle
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The Cross As A Desirable Symbol In our world today the cross is an esteemed symbol. One of the favorite hymns of my parents’ generation was “The Old Rugged Cross.” Many people wear crosses, hang them on walls in their homes, display them in stained glass windows and make the sign of the cross when
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The Law Teaches Us Even Though It Wasn’t Written To Us The Old Testament law teaches many things. Everyone who reads it today can’t help but notice a striking contrast. Some commands make sense and some don’t, at least not in today’s world. Everyone, even liars, agree the command “Don’t lie” is a good practice.
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