My Introduction to One Orphan Ministry
In February of 2014 I made my first missionary trip to the Andaman Nicobar Islands of India. A good friend, Ray Montonera, approached me about going with him and a small team to minister there. He planned a trip to visit an orphan ministry and do some community outreaches. I was in the process of starting To Every Nation Ministries and even though I knew it was a worthy mission, I was hesitant. I didn’t know how going there would fit with the ministry God called me to do. He was persuasive and I’m so glad he was. I had no idea that a wonderful friendship and bond and partnership of ministry would develop between me and Raja and Sheba.

When we arrived our team met Pastor Raja and Sheba. Over ten years before God had called Raja as a missionary to the Andaman Nicobar Islands. God had blessed his ministry in many ways. He arrived knowing no one with the equivalent of $10 in his pocket. The early years were very hard. God honored his faithfulness. When we arrived he was pastoring a church with around 200 members and had an orphanage with 75 children.
It is both encouraging and amazing to talk to Raja and Sheba about how God has worked in their lives. They never planned to start an orphanage. The tsunami of 2004 changed all that. Weeks after the tsunami they saw children living on the streets. When they discovered their parents were missing, they took them in. Over the years, with no regular support from anyone other than God, they have seen their ministry grow. God raised up one man who has regularly raised funds for them. They have been able to purchase land and build an orphanage. It is amazing to speak with them and hear story after story of God’s miraculous provision.

Caleb and I were blessed to spend time with the children and see how God continues to provide. Since my first visit in 2014 God provided the funds for a security fence for the building, a well for clean water for bathing, the funds to finish off the boys dormitory and money to plant an orchard. Here is a collage of all 70 children now living there.

James 1:27 says,
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Would you pray for Raja and Sheba and their Orphan Ministry? They have many needs. An immediate need is 20 bunk beds. At the same time they have regular needs for food and living necessities. As I said, they do not have any regular monthly support. If you would like to help out in some way email me at