Your Social Media Profile and Your Identity In Christ
Lately I’ve been working on building up my social media connections. It’s been fun to connect with people all over the world who share my interest in the Bible and in knowing more about walking with God. There’s something cool about having a new friend in Malaysia or Brazil or even in Indianapolis that I get to interact with because of our common faith.
Recently I decided to jump into the Twitter world. A challenge with Twitter like other social media platforms is in building up a following. I had no idea how to do that so I talked to some friends and have done some reading to try to get an edge. Consequently I have been doing something I’ve never done before, learning about people through their social media profile.
[Tweet “What does your social media profile say about your identity in Christ?”]
There are a lot of people whose Twitter feeds I don’t want to follow so before I follow a person I read their bio. It’s the quickest way to make a judgement about a person. Guy Kawasaki says people take about 5 seconds to decide whether or not to follow someone based upon their social media profile. I’ve been reading a lot of profiles lately and that’s about right. Here’s what I’ve observed about how God is reflected in social media profiles, in particular on Twitter.
6 Ways God Is Reflected in Social Media Profiles
- He’s not.
- He’s a tag line. e.g. student, vegetarian, Libra, foodie, Jesus, bowling
- He’s in the list, sometime first. e.g. Christian, wife, mom, writer, blogger
- He’s reflected in the one’s occupation. e.g. pastor, worship leader, missionary, evangelist
- He’s woven into the bio. e.g. Christian patriot or teacher or psychologist
- He’s the focus of the bio. e.g. Waiting for Jesus to return, Fighting for God
This is an interesting range of expressions about God’s role in people’s lives. I realize this is not a big deal to most people. After all, aren’t we just talking about a few words you wrote down back when you opened your Twitter account that you may have not thought about very much?
Whether you thought about it a little or a lot your social media profile is a reflection of how you see yourself. Here are a couple of things to think about.
- If your faith or relationship with Jesus is reflected in any way in your social media profile, good for you! You see yourself connected to Jesus.
- If your faith is reflected in your social media profile, be sure your posts honor Jesus.Your social media presence, like everything in your life, reflects back on Jesus.
[Tweet “Jesus is one of your Twitter followers and Facebook friends and He’s always online”]
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