On Monday morning of Holy Week, after Jesus cursed the fig tree, He went to the Temple as He had many times before. On this visit to the Temple, like one other time in His ministry, He caused quite a stir.
It was the time of the Passover Feast. Hundreds of thousands of people traveled to Jerusalem to worship. It wasn’t practical for those who came from great distances to bring an animal for the sacrifice. Consequently they had to buy animals locally to sacrifice. Also, the Temple only accepted
so people who came with different currencies had to exchange money to pay the Temple tax. These were practical matters that had to be taken care of for the Passover. The problem was where and how these were done.
The Court of the Gentiles was where the Gentiles were allowed to worship. This was a large area about 2.5 acres in size. Instead of worship taking place, the area was filled with people selling animals and changing money. It was like a huge flea market! How could worship go on with such noise and distraction?
That wasn’t the only problem. Those selling animals and exchanging money did so at exorbitant rates. It was worse than buying a burger at Disneyland!
Those selling animals and changing the money weren’t there for worship, they were there for personal profit.
[Tweet "Do we worship God for Him or for our personal benefit?"]
It’s easy for us to condemn them but perhaps we should pause for a moment. Why do you worship God? Think about this:
[Tweet "When we worship right, we feel good but that isn’t why we worship. We worship God to worship."]
If you said yes to any of those questions then maybe worship is more about you and how you feel than about God. Those who go to worship solely for the purpose of feeling good are filling their spiritual pockets just like the money changers.
[Tweet "Worship the Lord today whether you feel like it or not. He deserves it!"]
Yes, true worship will always result in joy and peace in the worshiper. That isn’t the goal, it’s a blessed outcome from God. Let us worship the Lord with whole hearts today! Amen?
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