I discussed four indicators when it’s time to act. A friend commented he would add one more. When the Holy Spirit prompts us to act, we need to obey. He’s absolutely correct. His point is so important I am going to devote this post to that topic.
In general I lean towards objectivity. I trust you have seen in my posts that I seek a biblical basis for everything I teach. Listening to the Spirit is subjective. That makes this a tricky subject. We have all heard people say, “The Spirit (or God or Jesus) told me to do this.” That phrase has been used to justify all kinds of actions. Even if you think a person is flat out wrong in what they’re saying, how can you respond when someone says that? You can’t disagree with what they say they heard.
There are abuses or mis-uses of the principle that the Spirit of God communicates with us. Does that mean we should ignore this topic? By no means! The scriptures are clear that the Spirit of God communicates with us.
. We need to grow in learning how to discern the Spirit’s work in our lives. We don’t have the space to talk about everything the Spirit does, so I’m going to highlight five ways the Spirit prompts us to act.
The communication from the Holy Spirit, who doesn’t have a body, is with our spirit. So we don’t actually hear a voice, we sense His prompting. Some say they hear a voice. No one can debate what people say they experience. Let's all agree on this; today let's be sure to do what the Spirit prompts us to do.
I’d love to hear from you on this. Please leave a comment or question below.

The Impact Of The Cross In my last post I said the cross changed everything. Does that seem like a lofty statement? Does it seem like hyperbole? Saying that something is important does not make it so. In the USA we’re in the midst of an election year. Things are happening in this election cycle
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The Cross As A Desirable Symbol In our world today the cross is an esteemed symbol. One of the favorite hymns of my parents’ generation was “The Old Rugged Cross.” Many people wear crosses, hang them on walls in their homes, display them in stained glass windows and make the sign of the cross when
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The Law Teaches Us Even Though It Wasn’t Written To Us The Old Testament law teaches many things. Everyone who reads it today can’t help but notice a striking contrast. Some commands make sense and some don’t, at least not in today’s world. Everyone, even liars, agree the command “Don’t lie” is a good practice.
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