Are You Heading in the Right Direction?
If you wonder, “Am I heading in the right direction?” you’re not alone. It’s a different way to ask, “Is this God’s will for me?” We ask this about many life decisions. Should I
- Continue in a relationship?
- Get married?
- Change careers?
- Move?
- Buy a house or rent?
- Find a new or better job?
- Have a baby?
- Buy a _? New car, computer, iPhone?
I have wondered about many of these over the years. These days I wonder most about ministry. Am I doing what God wants me to do in ministry?
7 Questions to Clarify if I’m Heading in the Right Direction
- Is it wrong, dishonest or dishonoring to God? If so, don’t do it. If you have to steal, lie or bend the truth to do something, it isn’t God’s will. If it is something selfish or will reflect poorly upon God, it isn’t the right thing to do. If it means someone gets hurt, you shouldn’t do it.
- Is it wise to do it? If not, you probably should not do it. If you still want to do it, move forward cautiously. If it isn’t wise financially (meaning you don’t have the money to do it) or not safe to do, you need a compelling reason to do it. You may have such a compelling reason like feeling an unmistakable call to minister in a dangerous place. Only continue if there are clear indications God wants you to do it.
- Is it consistent with your goals? If so, go for it. If not, don’t. This assumes you have goals. If you don’t have goals, you need to work on them first. Goals give clarity for life decisions.
- Are others supportive of you doing it? If not, reassess your plans. Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” Proverbs 19:20 says, “Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.” Sometimes the issue isn’t whether it is wise, but whether it suits you, your gifts, talents and aptitude. Friends, counselors and advisers can see things in us that we can’t see. Your plans may not fit who you are. If your support structure is counseling against you doing something, I’d listen to them.
- Are you willing to pay the price? If not, don’t do it. There is always a cost to doing the right thing. It may tax you financially, physically and mentally. You may face long days, short nights and lots of uncertainty. If you haven’t counted the cost, slow down until you do.
- Can you be happy if you don’t do it? If so, don’t do it. If the idea of doing it keeps you up at night (with excitement, not dread) then go for it! If you can be happy doing anything else, then move on to something else.
- Do you believe God wants you to do it? Have you had any indications God wants you to do it? If not, don’t do it. Do you sense God speaking to you and leading you? It may be through scripture, thoughts or ideas God brings to mind, open doors, and encouragement of others. If you can move forward with confidence, then do so. If you can’t think of one concrete reason, scriptural or otherwise to rest upon, don’t proceed. Wait until you have the faith God wants you to do it.
There is no simple answer to the question, “Am I heading in the right direction?” In my experience, when I seek God’s will and sort through each of these issues, I have the clarity to continue or not.
I wondered when I got to Haiti if pastors and leaders needed me to be there and teach them. I am humbled and delighted with the positive response to the Stand Firm Seminar.

Ward and Pastor Jean Claude Cimeus from Haiti
Here is a link to an interview with Pastor Jean Claude Cimeus, a pastor and leader in Haiti. It was such an encouragement!
Margaret and I are leaving on Monday, October 1st for India. We will train 1,000 pastors and leaders in Mumbai and Pune. These are men and women who could not afford this training if they had to pay for it themselves. We still have a ways to go in raising the total support for this trip. If you’d like to give please click here or the "Donate" button on the top right-hand side of this page. I know you have a choice where to give. Thanks for your prayer and financial support to train pastors and leaders in India.
In His grace,