Problems have gotten a bad rap. We live in a problem obsessed culture. Many people are preoccupied with how to avoid them. If that’s not possible they think the next best thing is to figure out how to overcome them. We think about them so much people wax eloquent about them.
with hundreds of pithy quotes about problems.
If you are in the midst of a problem right now did reading that quote make you feel better? Probably not. This quote simply points to the reality of problems as a part of our lives. We should expect them.
From a biblical perspective the second step is to reframe the problem. We need to look at them differently. You may be thinking “Don’t give me the glass half full versus half empty speech.” I won’t. What I do want to do is give you a different perspective on God and our problems.
[Tweet "The Father uses every problem in our life as a parenting event to make us more like Jesus"]
Romans 5:3-5 tells us to view our problems differently because God loves us. The Apostle Paul says we should boast about our problems because of how God uses them in our lives. Let’s see if we can reframe the issue of our problems with God as part of every problem we face.
[Tweet "Our goal isn't just seeing our problems differently but seeing God with us when we have a problem"]
Paul says we should boast in our problems because as a loved child of God we’re part of His divine plan. It’s not that things will be okay. Things are okay now. Often the biggest issue is not the problem but fear, discouragement or uncertainty when we are going through it. Understanding that God holds us in His loving arms replaces those feelings with comfort and peace. That’s something to boast about.
What has God taught you through a problem you didn't think you could endure? Please leave a comment or question below.

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