We’re all fascinated with the spirit realm. This is evident by all of the books, TV shows and movies about angels, demons and the paranormal. We’d all like to know more about those beings we can’t see that seem to have greater powers than we have. Many think they’d like to see a good angel. The subject of demons and evil spirits, although interesting, is something most of us avoid. The reason is fear. I have found many Christians avoid the topic of spiritual warfare because of fear.
But we shouldn’t be afraid of it. We know the verse that says “greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” 1 John 4:4. Yet knowing it isn’t enough to allay most people’s fears. Consequently many are surprised when I say God allows satanic attacks. They think, “Why would God allow something so scary to happen to me?”
[Tweet "God allows satanic attacks but not the scary kind some people imagine."]
The answer is, He doesn’t allow the kinds of scary attacks people imagine. First, let’s establish that God allows satanic attacks.
With that in mind, let’s consider the implications of God allowing Satan and his followers to attack His children.
[Tweet "God allows satanic attacks because we have His power to resist them."]
It’s time to stop avoiding, ignoring, and complaining about spiritual warfare. It’s time to learn to recognize and resist the satanic attacks God allows to happen.

Someone attacked our website with malware. What it Satan’s fault? Or did God hack our website? Crazy question? Read to find out.
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This is the second in a series of short stories in which I take the biblical account of Christmas and weave in details as I imagine they happened. In this story I imagine what Mary may have written if she kept a diary. The Bible is inspired by God, my writing is not. I hope
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Are You Heading in the Right Direction? If you wonder, “Am I heading in the right direction?” you’re not alone. It’s a different way to ask, “Is this God’s will for me?” We ask this about many life decisions. Should IContinue in a relationship?Get married?Change careers?Move?Buy a house or rent?Find a new or better job?Have
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