Sound Doctrine and False Doctrine Are Both Just a Click Away
The internet has made Bible teaching easily accessible to anyone with a computer. It has also made it easier than ever for anyone who has a computer to post Bible teaching online. I just did
Google search for “Bible teaching” and got 81,500,000 hits. If you want to see video Bible teaching go to A quick search on for “Bible teaching” reveals 663,000 hits. There are good, well known Bible teachers online. Yet many people who post Bible teaching online don’t tell you anything about themselves.

[Tweet "Teaching the Bible is good but not all Bible teaching is good."]
The good news is there’s so much quality teaching on the internet that it’s possible to get the equivalent of a Bible college education studying online. The bad news is there is also a lot of false doctrine being taught online. If you aren’t careful you can be led far away from the truth of God’s word and caught up into heresy.
False doctrine is not a recent phenomenon. It was around in Bible times. Here are 5 reasons we need to be concerned with the problem of false doctrine.
5 Biblical Warnings about False Doctrine
- Many people don’t want sound doctrine and there are teachers willing to teach false doctrine that appeals to them 2 Timothy 4:3.
- Many false prophets are in the world so we have to test what teachers say 1 John 4:1.
- Some are preaching what they call the Gospel but it isn’t the Gospel from the Bible Galatians 1:6-9.
- There are people who intentionally try to disrupt the church with false doctrine Acts 20:29.
- Some doctrine being taught as from the Bible originated with evil spirits and demons 1 Timothy 4:1.
I regularly interact with people on the internet that believe and teach false doctrine. Some who teach false doctrine have tens of thousands of followers.
This is a major issue for the Church. If you take what I’m saying seriously it may sound scary. It is if you aren’t grounded in sound doctrine or if you’re trying to figure things out on your own. Here are the two most important things you can do to avoid falling for false doctrine.
2 Ways To Protect Yourself From False Doctrine
- Go to a church that teaches sound Bible doctrine, not just fluff. Godly leaders are charged with equipping you so you won’t be tossed around by every wind of doctrine Ephesians 4:11-14. If you hear teaching you aren’t sure about, ask your pastor.
- Personally commit to learning doctrine so you know what is false or know how to study for yourself to find out. Read books, get in Bible studies, make it a priority.
[Tweet "A pastor is a shepherd and we’re sheep. Allow your pastor to protect you from false doctrine"]
Sound doctrine will build you up and can save you from many mistakes in life. Watch out for those who teach doctrine contrary to what you have learned and avoid them Romans 16:17.
If you have a question or comment, and I hope you do, please leave it below.

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My journey of faith started when I was nine years old when I realized that Jesus died and rose again to pay for my sins. At the age of thirteen I felt the call of God on my life for ministry.
I have been fortunate to work in the marketplace for over ten years and in full-time Christian ministry for over thirty years.
My passion is to teach God's Word in such a way that it is easy to understand and so that God uses it to bring about life change in those who hear it.
It is my greatest joy to see God work through me to produce fruit for His glory!