My mom had a lot of sayings. Most often she would use one when one of us kids was complaining about something. There were six kids in our family so I heard these sayings time and again. One that comes to mind was when we she asked us to do something and one of us would say, “I can’t!” Her response often was, “Can’t never did nothing.”
Although it was frustrating to hear, there was a lot of truth in that saying, at least as it pertained to us. She wouldn’t ask us to do something unless we could do it. When one of us said “I can’t”, it was usually a chore or homework that was difficult. We just didn’t want to work that hard. Since I can’t remember even one thing she asked me to do that was actually impossible, she was right and we were wrong. That happens a lot with moms and kids.
It also happens with God the Father and His kids. There are times when God the Father gives us something to do and we say “I can’t!” Sometimes we complain about it and don’t do it because it seems too hard. This is particularly true of facing into spiritual warfare.
When I say spiritual warfare I’m talking about satanic attacks upon our minds. There are many Christians who are uncomfortable with even thinking about the possibility that Satan attacks our minds. We shouldn’t be. It’s a fact of Scripture. The biblical evidence is clear that satanic attacks occur. The Bible is also clear that we’re equipped for victory when attacked.
First consider these three verses:
James, Peter and Paul tell us to resist the devil. They don’t make a big deal of Satan attacking. They don’t complain about Satan attacking. They aren’t afraid of satanic attacks. They don't get all worked up about a satanic attack like it’s a big deal. It’s not. This is clearly a different perspective from most Christians today. It’s because they know we’re equipped for victory when attacked by Satan.
[Tweet "Satan is going to attack. Don't fear. Don't complain. Resist him and end the attack."]
God is a good parent and doesn’t tell us to do something we can’t do. Back when he initiated the spiritual war with Satan He knew Satan would continue to attack. So He did what any good dad would do. He gave us everything we need to stand firm against Satan’s attack. He gave us the armor of God! We are equipped for victory.
The biblical perspective of spiritual warfare is that it’s real and something every Christian faces. If you understand this then you realize it's time to stop complaining about whatever Satan may or may not do. Because we are equipped for victory we're to be vigilantly on guard, use the armor when attacked and stand firm.
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