It is wonderful being in Cairo. There is so much history of the world and for the
that is related to Egypt. On Tuesday October 27th we have an opportunity to encourage Egyptian Christians by teaching our Stand Firm Seminar to a group of pastors and church leaders.
We haven't had much time to see Cairo or Egypt yet. We've been here a little over 24 hours and have gotten a taste of delicious Egyptian food and traffic. It seems that Cairo has an abundance of both. Today we spent the day in the offices of
(Middle East Leadership Training Institute). They have a delightful staff that is very active in pastoral and general church training. We met and spent some time with our translator for the week, Mr. Momza Job. He was kind enough to walk us back to the guest house where we are staying, about a 20 minute walk from the MELTI Office.
Walking and talking with the Momza was very informative. We came to a corner with sandbags piled high. As I looked more closely I saw this.
I thought we were at an embassy or something. I was quite surprised when Momza told me that it was a police guard for a church. As we turned the corner we saw this church.
Momza told us that almost all Christian churches have armed police guards! Can you imagine going to church with an armed policeman on guard outside and having to go through a metal detector to enter the building? Please pray for God's blessing upon Egyptian Christians, our brothers and sisters in Christ!
Also, please pray for me as I teach Stand Firm tomorrow. I'm posting this the night before because by the time you wake up on Wednesday I'll be well into the teaching. Whenever you read this please pray that God enables me to be clear, effective and encouraging in my teaching.
Thanks so much!

Someone attacked our website with malware. What it Satan’s fault? Or did God hack our website? Crazy question? Read to find out.
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This is the second in a series of short stories in which I take the biblical account of Christmas and weave in details as I imagine they happened. In this story I imagine what Mary may have written if she kept a diary. The Bible is inspired by God, my writing is not. I hope
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Are You Heading in the Right Direction? If you wonder, “Am I heading in the right direction?” you’re not alone. It’s a different way to ask, “Is this God’s will for me?” We ask this about many life decisions. Should IContinue in a relationship?Get married?Change careers?Move?Buy a house or rent?Find a new or better job?Have
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