One of my very earliest memories is about an unexpected and delightful choice. When I was three years old I decided to follow my sister to kindergarten. In the safe world of the 1950’s in Santa Barbara, California it was common for kids to play outside unattended. My mom had no idea what my plans were when I walked out the door. I wandered far enough away that a policeman picked me up. My mom told me this story on more than one occasion as I somehow managed to walk across the Pacific Coast Highway. The only recollection I have is standing beside a policeman in front of an assortment of candy. He gave me the choice of whatever I wanted! I think I chose chocolate. That still brings a smile to my face.
God created us in His image and likeness with a free will. One aspect of that is our ability to choose. God gave Adam and Eve the ability to choose and the freedom to choose. Even though they blew it, God didn’t take our freedom or ability to choose away from us.
God knows everything, the past, present and future. He knows the implications of every choice before it happens. He still doesn’t force us into acting a certain way even though He knows what’s best for us.
As I’ve been looking at some of the choices God gives us in the Bible, I’ve discovered something. Many times when God gives us a choice, He tells us what will happen depending upon what we choose. Isn’t that incredible? There are many examples to choose from. Let’s look at seven choices God gives where he tells us what will happen when we choose!
[inlinetweet prefix="" tweeter="" suffix="@wardcushman"]God gives us choices because He loves us and to build our faith.[/inlinetweet]
God won’t force you to obey Him, honor Him or love Him. But when you do, it will always go well with you! Choose well today.
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This is the second in a series of short stories in which I take the biblical account of Christmas and weave in details as I imagine they happened. In this story I imagine what Mary may have written if she kept a diary. The Bible is inspired by God, my writing is not. I hope
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