On my recent trip to India I had the opportunity to visit the Village of Phephna near
in northern India. It was a joy to experience the hospitality of my new friend Pastor Anil Kumar and his family. It’s hard for those of us who live in first world countries to imagine life in a remote village. The home had rooms with no doors or windows. They only have electricity 8 hours a day. They don’t have running water in their home so they carry it from a faucet in the village. I didn't ask about the bathroom.
I had gotten used to people looking at me as there weren't many Caucasians in any of the places I visited. Even so, it seemed that more people in the village were looking at me than usual. As we were leaving my friend Pastor Raja Wilson told me I was the first foreigner to ever visit that village. Then I understood the attention I received. It was me. I was different and different stands out.
There are good ways and bad ways to be different. We like being different in good ways, like having an unusual name or spelling to our name. But we don’t like to be different in bad ways. We don’t want to be different in the sense of being odd or strange. So a little different is okay but too much different isn't.
With that in mind, think about this. The Lord calls His followers to be different.
This is a consistent message throughout the Bible. Let’s consider one of the first places where the children of God are called to be different Leviticus 18:1-5. In this passage we have the Lord speaking to Moses after bringing the Jews out of Egypt. He calls them to be different. There are three elements of this call.
Leviticus is a hard book to read with all of its rules and guidelines. The reason behind them makes it worthwhile. God calls us to be different for Him. He calls it being “holy” Leviticus 20:26. How are you different from your culture? Are you standing out for the Lord?
Please leave a comment or question below.

Someone attacked our website with malware. What it Satan’s fault? Or did God hack our website? Crazy question? Read to find out.
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This is the second in a series of short stories in which I take the biblical account of Christmas and weave in details as I imagine they happened. In this story I imagine what Mary may have written if she kept a diary. The Bible is inspired by God, my writing is not. I hope
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Are You Heading in the Right Direction? If you wonder, “Am I heading in the right direction?” you’re not alone. It’s a different way to ask, “Is this God’s will for me?” We ask this about many life decisions. Should IContinue in a relationship?Get married?Change careers?Move?Buy a house or rent?Find a new or better job?Have
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