A key part of Bible study is understanding the various elements in the text. This includes people, places and events. When we understand these the meaning of the text comes into clearer focus. When we skip over details we may be skipping over something important to the meaning of a passage. In Mark 1:2-8 the focus isn't on Jesus. It’s on John the Baptist. Does it make sense that a book entitled the “good news of Jesus” starts by talking about someone else? I think it will when we understand John’s role.
Let’s do some research and expand upon what Mark says about John.
[Tweet "John the Baptist is such a great example for us of faithfulness! "]
This chapter is full of truth. Tomorrow we will continue to the next step and make a tentative observation as to the meaning of these first eight verses. I want to leave you with some final thoughts about John.
[Tweet "May the example of John inspire and encourage us to be faithful to the Lord today!"]
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