The Bible is an ancient book. It’s been translated into English so we can read it well enough. But reading it doesn’t mean we understand it. We need to do historical background research for any book that’s been around for hundreds of years. The goal is to understand the manners, customs and geography of the time when the book was written. This is true for Greek literature by Homer, English literature by Shakespeare or the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Bible.
[Tweet "Historical background research explains manners and customs we don’t understand."]
Rather than talk about this abstractly, let’s jump right into it. Here are the steps for doing historical background research on Mark 1:1-8.
I’ve given you links to internet resources with information on these. Please keep the following in mind as you do your historical background research.
[Tweet "Bible study is more than reading the Bible, it’s digging for spiritual treasure!"]
Your assignment is to do some basic historical background reading. Read enough to make sure you have a basic understanding of these concepts or any others you have identified in Mark 1:1-8.
Please tell your friends about this. Share it on Facebook and Twitter. You can go at your own speed. Come back when you’re ready for the next day. We are just getting started. This is going to be fun to discover truth from God’s word!
I’d love to hear from you. Do you have something on your list that I don’t? Is there a book or computer program or website you like that you’d recommend? Do you have another question?

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