This past Sunday night we had a Thanksgiving Dinner at our church. As my wife Margaret was preparing a pumpkin pie she needed help getting it into the stove. The pumpkin filling came all the way to the top and she didn’t want to spill any over the side. It was very full, but between the two of us we got it into the stove without spilling any of it.
In the USA Thanksgiving is a time of abundance, particularly of food. It’s a good time to spend with family and friends, and we all eat too much. The reason for the holiday, to give thanks, is in the back of our minds, but often doesn’t get the attention it should. We say a prayer of thanksgiving and perhaps go around the table and have everyone mention something they are thankful for. But for many that’s about it. The “thanks” part of Thanksgiving has become a minor part of the day.
The same is true for thankfulness in many of us as Christians. It’s a minor part of our lives. It should be a major part of our lives as Christians every day, not just for Thanksgiving. The Bible clearly establishes that thankfulness is expected of those who are children of God. In Colossians 2:6-7 we’re told that one of the characteristics of walking with Jesus is that we are to abound in thanksgiving to God. When I read that I thought of the pie plate that was filled to the brim with pumpkin pie filling. We as Christians are to be so filled with thanks that they spill out. We’re not supposed to keep our thanks inside, they need to overflow in our lives.
[Tweet "Overflowing with thanks to God is a joyful response to living under Christ’s lordship."]
The Bible teaches us why we should have an abundance of thanksgiving to God. Here are 5 reasons why we should be overflowing with thanks.
[Tweet "When we are filled with the Spirit we can’t stop thanks from spilling out to God."]
The word abundant means we have considerably more than one would expect or anticipate. Spill some thanks today from your heart to God.
Please share with us something you are thankful for today below.

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