Part of the passage of life from being a kid to being an adult is going out on your own. When you're young you want your own place, to come and go as you please, to take care of yourself and to show the world (or maybe your parents) that you’re independent.
I enjoyed being out on my own and knew I would never go back. But one day I learned this independence thing wasn't all it was cracked up to be. I had a problem with my car and I couldn't fix it. I tried over and over but nothing worked. After an hour of futile effort I thought, “I wish my dad were here!” I was a little surprised by that thought. We lived far apart and it had been years since I lived at home. But I was exhausted and didn't know what to do. I was a dad at the time but I still wanted someone to help.
Have you ever felt that way in your struggle with your spiritual enemies?
We've been talking about the attacks of the world, the flesh and Satan. Struggling with them can be exhausting. Peter says the struggle with the flesh is like a war with our soul 1 Peter 2:11. Paul calls the battles with Satan like wrestling matches Ephesians 6:12. John tells us that the world hates us John 15:19 and in the world we have tribulation John 16:33.
Yes, we face great challenges in life. These are powerful and effective enemies. BUT there is good news. No, not just good news it’s great news. Actually it is even better than that it’s fantastic news! We have God the Father, God the Son and the Spirit of God on our side to help us as we battle our spiritual enemies. Let’s see what changed in our relationship with our spiritual enemies when we became a Christian.
Are you exhausted in your struggle with one of our enemies? I hope you see from this list that the Father, Son and Spirit haven’t left you alone! They will help you, but you have to include them in every part of your struggle. The Trinity is on your side. If you stop and spend some time thinking about that, it really is encouraging and incredible!
What have you learned that helps you when you feel like you’re on your own in your battles? Please comment or ask a question below.

Someone attacked our website with malware. What it Satan’s fault? Or did God hack our website? Crazy question? Read to find out.
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What Satan Can And Can’t Do I started writing this blog post with a specific goal in mind. I intended to show you what Satan can do, according to the Bible. When I got to the end of the post I wasn’t satisfied with it. It wasn’t that I didn’t think I had done a
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What Satan Can’t Do What Satan can and can’t do is an important topic. I’ve found many people fear Satan. Because of that, rather than starting with what he can do, I’m going to show you what Satan can’t do. [Tweet “There are many comforting truths in the Bible about what Satan can’t do!”] Many people
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