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if the church follows the instructions from the Bible and forbids same-sex marriage it will become irrelevant. What was the authority that he based his comment on? His own cultural observations. There are many who say the Bible isn't relevant to our lives today.
We are thinking people. Let’s consider why the Bible is still relevant to us. All scripture doesn't apply to us today such as the Levitical laws of leprosy and similar Old Testament laws. Those aren't a matter of relevancy but application. Even those scriptures contain truth. Here are 5 reasons why the Bible is still relevant to us today.
Those who reject the Bible as irrelevant say the Bible no longer fits our culture. Rather, our culture has rejected the principles of the Bible.
The best way to counter those who say the Bible is irrelevant is to live the truth of God's word before them. Love them, share your faith with them and pray for them.
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The Impact Of The Cross In my last post I said the cross changed everything. Does that seem like a lofty statement? Does it seem like hyperbole? Saying that something is important does not make it so. In the USA we’re in the midst of an election year. Things are happening in this election cycle
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