Some of us like to follow directions and some of us don’t. When you buy a toy set for your kids or piece of furniture that requires assembly, do you read the directions? Or do you prefer to jump right in and figure it out on your own? Maybe you start on your own and only look at the directions if you get stuck! If you’re mechanically inclined you might be able to get by without following the directions. Most of us aren’t that fortunate!
The same is true with doing Bible study. There are directions we have to follow if we want to get it right. In a
I talked about some of the difficulties we face in making sense of the Bible. Biblical interpretation is the process one uses to understand what the author of scripture meant by what he wrote.
There is a huge problem with biblical interpretation in the church today. We don’t all use the same method of interpretation. To put it another way, we don’t all follow the same directions when we do biblical interpretation. This issue is the root of many of the doctrinal differences that exist in churches today. This isn’t the only reason but a major reason why there are so many different denominations today.
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Here are five major methods of biblical interpretation churches follow in studying the Bible.
but these are the primary ones we find in the church today. I follow the historical-grammatical approach. I have noticed that people tend to follow the view of the church they were raised in or where they came to know the Lord. In general, the prevalent approach in the evangelical church is the historical-grammatical approach. I say in general because there are some evangelicals who switch to the allegorical approach with parts of scripture, such as the book of the Revelation. Also there are many evangelicals who take a subjective approach when it pleases them.
The purpose of this post is not to start a debate on which approach is right. It is so that you will understand the basic differences in the main approaches. It is to help you to grow in your understanding of biblical interpretation so that you confidently know what approach you take.
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Biblical Advice About Tithing Today I got an email asking about tithing. It’s such an important question that I’m going to devote this post to it. Here’s the question: I would like to understand the commandment in Malachi 3:10 about tithes and offerings. Is God only going to bless me when I tithe and curse
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Digging Deeper Into the Law Of Moses In my last post I pointed out that the term “Old Testament Law” is generally used in four ways. For the sake of this post we’re going to use it by its most common meaning. Let’s agree (for this post) that the term “Old Testament Law” refers to
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The Old Testament Law Is Not For Today, Or Is It? The Old Testament Law is a confusing topic for many people. I first learned about it as a boy going to Sunday School. The main emphasis was on the Ten Commandments but it wasn’t limited to that. It’s funny how things stick out in
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