I think it’s an accurate statement to say that most people don’t use the term “calling” when they talk about their lives. There are many who do, but I don’t think it is a majority or anywhere close to it. People who say they have a calling are those who feel a burden to help people or follow a cause of some kind and pursue careers where they can do that. Many have a religious calling and become pastors or serve in churches or service organizations. Others have a desire to help but without the religious element and devote themselves to things like education, animal welfare and eradicating poverty.
What about you? Would you say that you have a calling in life? You may not have considered it before, but if you are a Christian, you have a calling. You have been called to be a follower of Christ, a Christ-one or Christian.
Regardless of your politics, if the president of the country where you are a citizen called you to do a special job for your country you would be honored. Jesus, the Son of God, the Savior of the world has called you to be His follower. You. Stop and think about that for a while. What an honor.
What has God taught you about your calling as a Christian? Please leave a comment or question below.

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