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  • You Can’t Defeat A Satanic Attack If You Can’t Recognize One!

You Can Learn To Recognize A Satanic Attack

I once took a course in college about trees. The goal was to be able to identify 150 different types of trees. Most of us can tell the difference between a coniferous tree (one with needles)  and a deciduous tree (one with leaves). After that it gets a bit harder. My professor started by explaining about the different shapes of the leaves or needles. When I learned to recognize the different shapes, trees got easier to identify. It took some work but once I understood the key I could identify any tree!

recognize deciduous trees - recognize satanic attacks

One of the biggest problems in spiritual warfare is learning how to recognize a satanic attack. I say this based upon the experience of teaching thousands of people about this over the last 30 years. I usually ask the question, “Who can say that you are able to recognize 100% of the time when you experience a satanic attack?” Very few, less than 10% of those present, say they can!

The Problem In Recognizing A Satanic Attack

The biggest problems in recognizing a satanic attack are confusion and ignorance. For example, these are things that people say are a satanic attack:

  • a man lost his job
  • a woman develops a heart condition
  • a church is destroyed by fire
  • a young person dies in a car accident
  • a pipe bursts flooding a house
  • a flat tire on the freeway

If you told me you thought any one of these were a satanic attack I would ask you,

What biblical reason can you give for saying these are satanic attacks?

I don’t want to put words in your mouth but since I’m writing this post I guess I will. You might say,

These are horrible things meant to harm or disrupt a person’s life. Aren’t these like what Satan did to Job?

Hmm. Okay, I’ll agree they are all negative events. I’ll get back to Job in a minute. Let me ask you,

Does God ever bring negative events into our lives? Is it possible that some, maybe all of these are from God not Satan?

I’ll answer that for you. Yes, God sometimes brings negative events into our lives to test us, to discipline us or to strengthen us. Here is a post that addresses this.

There is a problem in assuming the things listed above are from Satan. None of these are things that God warns us about regarding satanic attacks! Oh yeah, and if these are satanic attacks, how can we defeat them?

[Tweet “Nowhere in the Bible does God warn us about Satan attacking our circumstances!”]

Here’s what God warns us,

But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:3

Satan doesn’t care about your circumstances! He wants to attack your mind. You ask again,

What about Job?

Satan’s goal wasn’t to ruin Job’s life. If that was his goal he achieved it!  Satan’s goal was to attack Job’s mind and discourage him mentally so that he would “curse God and die.”

How do we recognize a satanic attack on our minds? I will tell you more in tomorrow’s post. I’ll give you a hint, the armor of God is the key!

If you want to know how to recognize and resist satanic attacks join us this Friday and Saturday in Mundelein, Illinois. I will be teaching our Stand Firm Seminar that covers this and much more. Click here for more details and to register.

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Ward Cushman

My journey of faith started when I was nine years old when I realized that Jesus died and rose again to pay for my sins. At the age of thirteen I felt the call of God on my life for ministry.

I have been fortunate to work in the marketplace for over ten years and in full-time Christian ministry for over thirty years.

My passion is to teach God's Word in such a way that it is easy to understand and so that God uses it to bring about life change in those who hear it.

It is my greatest joy to see God work through me to produce fruit for His glory!
