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  • Choose Your Thoughts: You Are Not What You Think

The Choice is up to You

The idea that you can choose your thoughts is foreign to many people. Instead many people feel enslaved by their thoughts. The phrase “You are what you think” is a popular perspective. There are books, and sermons with that title and you can even buy a t-shirt emblazoned with it.

You Are What You Think t-shirt - choose your thoughts

But it isn’t true. And deep down you know it. You make choices everyday about what to think. You get up early in the morning and decide, “I need to think about my project for work” and you do. At the end of the day you make this choice, “I’m worn out, I don’t want to think about work” and you don’t.

Here’s an alternative perspective. “You are not your brain.”  You control your brain, it doesn’t control you.

[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=”via @wardcushman”]Choose your thoughts. What you choose to think matters. [/inlinetweet]


5 Reasons Why It’s Important to Choose Your Thoughts

  1. We can focus on useless thoughts and not know it Romans 1:21.
  2. What we think affects what we do, even if our thoughts are wrong Romans 14:14.
  3. Our thoughts can deceive us Galatians 6:3, 1 Corinthians 10:12.
  4. Our enemies can put thoughts in our minds to deceive us 2 Corinthians 11:3.
  5. We can change what we think Colossians 3:1; 2Corinthians 10:5.

Everyone has days with emotional ups and downs. For example, you wake up feeling great. The weather is beautiful. You get good news. Yes! You feel great! Then you get emotionally hammered. A loved one is in a serious accident. You get a large bill in the mail you didn’t expect. You’re involved in a relational blow-up. You feel horrible!

What do you do when this happens? Are you captive to your thoughts? No, you’re not. As Christians we’ve been equipped to deal with our emotional ups and downs. It starts with understanding you need to choose your thoughts.

Two Ways To Choose Your Thoughts

  1. “Consider yourself dead to sin.” Each day make the mental calculation you’re not controlled by evil desires or negative thoughts. This is true because of your relationship with God through Jesus.  You’re free to choose your thoughts. You’re free to say “No” to any negative thoughts Romans 6:11.
  2. You’re “alive to God in Jesus Christ.” Reevaluate your thoughts within the framework of being empowered by Jesus to think differently. Then choose your thoughts according to that perspective Philippians 4:8.

It is not easy or natural. You’ve had many years when you chose the wrong thoughts. It takes time to learn to stop when a negative thought or attacking evil desire enters our mind. But you can do this and it is so worth it! Try it today.

What is the hardest thing for you about changing how you think? Please leave a question or comment below.

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    Ward Cushman

    My journey of faith started when I was nine years old when I realized that Jesus died and rose again to pay for my sins. At the age of thirteen I felt the call of God on my life for ministry.

    I have been fortunate to work in the marketplace for over ten years and in full-time Christian ministry for over thirty years.

    My passion is to teach God's Word in such a way that it is easy to understand and so that God uses it to bring about life change in those who hear it.

    It is my greatest joy to see God work through me to produce fruit for His glory!
